Water or thermal jets
Technique involving the application of mineral-medicinal waters by expulsion through a water jet at a specific temperature and pressure, which is aimed manually towards the areas to be treated following a circuit predetermined by the specialists. It has an immediate effect of pain relief similar to a manual massage, thus producing a relaxing, analgesic and toning action.
Spas that offers this service
AlangeAlange , Badajoz
CarballinoO Carballino , Ourense
Baños de MontemayorBaños de Montemayor , Cáceres
Casa Pallotti - Termas de MolinarValle de Carranza , Vizcaya
RetortilloRetortillo , Salamanca
Lobios - CaldariaLobios , Ourense
Puente ViesgoPuente Viesgo , Cantabria
San NicolásAlhama de Almería , Almería
BenitoReolid - Salobre , Albacete
Arnoia CaldariaArnoia , Ourense