Steam room
Inhalation technique also known by the name of humage, which consists of directly breathing in the gases and vapours which emanate naturally from certain hot springs when the mineral-medicinal waters emerge from the ground.
Steam room is also the name given to the premises themselves, whether this is a natural gallery, or an artificial cave of the type found in many spas, and is designed to maximise the gas emissions where they are administered without any alteration in the temperature or the degree of vaporisation at which the gases emerge.
Spas that offers this service
Valle del JerteValdecastillas , Cáceres
PanticosaBaños de Panticosa , Huesca
San NicolásAlhama de Almería , Almería
Cabriel - Fuente PodridaRequena , Valencia
VillaviejaVillavieja , Castellón
ManzaneraManzanera , Teruel
Hervideros de CofrentesCofrentes , Valencia
La VirgenJaraba , Zaragoza
Vilas del TurbónVilas del Turbón , Huesca
CorconteCabañas de Virtus , Burgos