Bicarbonated Waters
Carbonate-rich waters. These control the anaphylactic response and regulate the digestive system, as well as possessing liver-protective and anti-dyspeptic properties and favouring the elimination of uric acid and regulating pH. They neutralise acid secretions and enhance pancreatic activity, making them recommended for cases of gastroesophageal reflux and dyspepsia, as well as in rheumatological and endocrinological disorders.
Spas that offers this service
Valle del JerteValdecastillas , Cáceres
PanticosaBaños de Panticosa , Huesca
AlangeAlange , Badajoz
Caldes de BoíCaldas de Boí , Lleida
Casa Pallotti - Termas de MolinarValle de Carranza , Vizcaya
RetortilloRetortillo , Salamanca
Lobios - CaldariaLobios , Ourense
Puente ViesgoPuente Viesgo , Cantabria
San NicolásAlhama de Almería , Almería
SerónJaraba , Zaragoza